A list of currently available RFP & RFQ submissions.

Submit a RFP/RFQ

August 2, 2022
RFP | Six Area Plans – Chattanooga, TN

The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency (RPA) is seeking a qualified firm to complete six large Area Plans that will provide a general vision and guide to help elected officials,...

RFP | City of Prattville, Alabama
December 30, 2021
RFP | City of Prattville, Alabama

The City of Prattville is now accepting proposals from a firm or team with extensive experience and skills in the development of historic district review guidelines. The selected consultant will...

RFP | Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan
October 1, 2021
RFP | Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan

The Jefferson County Commission Department of Development Services is seeking proposals from qualified Consultant Teams/Firms to develop a new Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan.  The full RFP can...

RFP | Re-Vision Linn Park
September 22, 2021
RFP | Re-Vision Linn Park

REV Birmingham is seeking the services of an experienced and qualified firm to assemble and lead an inclusive team in a community-oriented planning and design process which positions Linn Park...

RFQ | City of Daphne Comp Plan
March 23, 2021
RFQ | City of Daphne Comp Plan

The City of Daphne is seeking technical assistance and professional planning services to facilitate a community visioning and planning process which will culminate in a new 2020-2040 comprehensive...

RFQ | City of Anniston
October 30, 2020
RFQ | City of Anniston

The City of Anniston is seeking to contract for the professional services of a firm/team who will develop along with the city and its planning commission, a comprehensive/master plan. Any...