RFP | Four Area Plans – Unincorporated Hamilton County, TN
City of Chattanooga and Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency
Four Area Plans for Unincorporated Hamilton County
The City of Chattanooga is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide four Area Plans (Areas 7, 8, 9, and 12) for a large extent of unincorporated Hamilton County.
The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency (RPA) is seeking a qualified firm to complete four large Area Plans for the majority of unincorporated Hamilton County.
The scope of work will be the same for each Area and the work for each Plan will be done simultaneously, so much of the research and analysis can be undertaken as a single block. Each Area will, however, have its own community meetings, recommendations that are specific to it, and its own Plan document.
The four Areas included in this RFP are:
Area 7 | Walden Plateau (northern half only)
Area 8 | North County
Area 9 | Northeast County
Area 12 | White Oak Mountain (update only)
Deadline for Proposal Submissions is August 23, 2022. Additional information regarding this RFP can be found here.
The City of Chattanooga offers a Supplier Portal for electronic submittal of proposals. Suppliers wanting to submit proposals should go to www.chattanooga.gov/newpurchasing and/or www.chattanooga.gov/newpurchasing/supplier-central for complete instructions.
Need help? Contact: SupplierSupport@Chattanooga.gov or call (423) 643-7230 and ask for the Supplier Coordinator.