Annual Work Program 2012-2014

Download Annual Work Program 2012-2014 (PDF)


Annual Work Program 2010-2011


The Bi-Annual Work Program is designed to set out action items for the ALAPA Executive Committee and their support committees to pursue during their two year terms. The action items are depicted below their corresponding committees of responsibility and are arranged as follows: Action: Items to be achieve during the term. Maintenance: Items that have been achieved and are to continue. Planned: Items that are deemed important and are to be pursued in the future – these items may carry over for the following Executive Committee to consider.

Also shown alongside each item is its corresponding goal, objective and strategy from the Chapter Development Plan. For example, Goal 1, objective 2, strategy c would be depicted as (G1-2c).

Executive Committee

  • Annual Conference. Hold meetings with conference committee and host committee to organize Annual Conference. (G1-2a)
  • Support National Office Holders. Provide support for Chapter members holding or seeking national office. (G2-2d)
  • FAICP. Establish criteria and formulate a management strategy for handling the nomination and application process of qualified chapter members to FAICP. Assign task to Past Presidents Council. (G1-4c)
  • Leadership Manual. Update and Provide Chapter Leadership Manual on website. (G2-2b)
  • Committees. Establish a standing conference committee (including Executive Committee members) and a host committee (from general ALAPA members) for each conference location. Develop an outline of responsibilities for each. (G1-2a)
  • Policies and Procedures. Adopt policies and procedures manual which further refine chapter and conference procedures. (G2-2)
  • Treasurer’s Position. Develop a job description for the office of treasurer to include basic skills that someone running for said position must possess to hold this office, and/or consider making this position an appointed position. (G3-4e, f)
  • Committee Leadership Involvement. Assure that each committee has a chairperson and encourage and promote a stronger leadership role of committee chairs by encouraging attendance at the Leadership Retreat and Business Meetings. (G1-2)
  • Committee Formation & Appointments. Appoint members to all standing committees. Form special committees as needed and appoint members to each. (G1-2)
  • Section Support. Support section representatives through the budget and timely reimbursement of section activities. (G1-2c)
  • Conference Budget Approval. Review and approve the budgets for upcoming Conferences. (G2-4)
  • Website Maintenance: Provide current and relevant educational tools, planning law updates, chapter information, activities calendar, etc. to support chapter members and activities. (G1-1)
  • Chapter Development Plan. Review and update the Chapter Development Plan. (G2-2)
  • Student Member Support. Schedule meetings with each student organization in the State and determine how best the chapter can support them through mentoring, training, etc. Identify and develop contacts with professors at each university (not just AU and A&M). (G1-5)
  • New Member Recognition and Sponsorship. Acknowledge and welcome new members with calls and letters and recruit existing Chapter members to new members. (G1-6)
  • Leadership Development. Provide additional opportunities for and assign increasingly responsible leadership roles to new Chapter leaders. (G1-6, G2-2)
  • CPC Grants Program. Solicit interest from among the leadership and membership in pursuing programs or activities that can be funded by the CPC Grants Program. (G1-3)

Past Presidents Advisory Council (Immediate Past President)

  • Reinitiate Involvement. Reinitiate the involvement of the PPAC in chapter activities. Have chair schedule regular meetings and provide feedback to the Executive Committee. (G1-3)
  • Conference Assistance. Assist in planning conferences and seminars. (G1-2)
  • FAICP Nominations. Review list of FAICP eligible members, recommend nominations to
  • Executive Committee and coordinate preparation of nomination package. (G1-4)
  • Support. Provide support to Chapter and Executive Committee through active involvement in chapter functions. (G1-2)
  • Advice. Serve as advisors to the Chapter President in the development of Chapter Programs. (G1-2)
  • Bylaws. Suggest proposed bylaws amendments as needed. (G2-2)
  • FAICP Certification. Discuss and make recommendations concerning criteria to use for evaluating and making recommendations regarding Alabama FAICP nominations. (G1-4)

Member Services Committee

  • Membership Recruiting. Develop and conduct ongoing membership recruitment activities to attract new members and reactivate lapsed memberships. (G1-6)
  • Membership Brochure. Update and maintain the Chapter membership brochure to use in the membership recruitment and retention, provide to sponsors, and display at the ALAPA tabletop exhibit. (G1-6a)

Conference and Seminar Committee

  • Conference Program Development. Advise and assist annual conference host committee in development of conference sessions. Develop seminars and workshops aimed at professional planners and special interest groups either as a stand-alone ALAPA function or in conjunction with other professional organization. (G1-2)
  • Future Conference Sites. Identify and receive Executive Committee approval for future conferences sites two to three years in advance and post on the website. Assemble conference host and planning committees a year or more prior to the conference dates. (G1-2)
  • Planning Commission & Zoning Board Members. In cooperation with UNA/API work with host committee to develop topics of interest to Planning Commission and Zoning Board Members for inclusion in annual conference agenda. (G1-2)
  • Conference Participation. Consider participation in conferences and seminars from the ranks of transportation planners, transit providers, engineers and design professionals, city/county managers, city clerks, students, and related organizations. (G1-2)
  • Student Activities. Work with host committee to include Universities and Students and incorporate student oriented activities and sessions into the annual conference agenda. (G1-2)
  • Sponsor & Vendors List. Establish and maintain a current list of sponsors, exhibitors and vendors. Strive to add to this list each year and to have the Chapter President contact each one during the year, outside of regular annual contact requesting participation in the conference. (G1-2)

Awards Committee

  • Ongoing Nomination Process. Develop an ongoing awards nomination process to include an announcement in each newsletter and on the website that award nominations will be accepted at any time of the year. (G2-3)
  • Policies & Guidelines. Establish and maintain committee policies and guidelines. (G2-3)
  • Application Process. Continue to evaluate ways to simplify the application process to encourage more applications (G2-3)
  • Awards Notification & Recognition. Notify awards recipients of their award and invite them to attend awards banquet. Provide a press release to media and invite them to attend awards banquet. (G2-3)
  • Awards. Prepare an awards feature article in the newsletter and highlight them on the web site. (G2-3)
  • Special Recognition of Major Sponsor(s). Establish a process for recognizing majorsponsors of annual chapter event(s). (G2-3)
  • National Awards Nomination. Work with Executive Committee to determine best mechanism for submitting chapter awards winners to be consider for National Awards. (G2-3)
  • Awards. Explore the idea of creating new awards such as trophies. (G2-3)

IT Committee

  • Newsletter Frequency. Create an electronic Newsletter “Blast” to be sent out monthly. (G1-1a, b, c)
  • Outreach. Encourage and assist the Section Representatives in creating an e-mail data base/list serve/forum for Section members. (G3-1)
  • Section News. Emphasize news of interest to the Chapter Sections in the Newsletter and on the Web Site. Encourage consistent input from sections. (G1-1c)
  • Student News. Solicit input from students for the newsletter. Develop contacts with college planning professors who can assist in developing student involvement and input in the Chapter. (G1-1b)
  • Web Site Information. Maintain web site with current information to include: Sections Calendar of Events, Chapter Development Plan, Chapter Bylaws, Chapter Work Program, Job Announcements, Newsletter, Archives and other information as submitted. (G1-1)
  • Social Media. Establish a chapter presence on various social media websites. (G1-1)
  • AICP & FAICP Recognition. Recognize new AICP members in the newsletter and on web site. (G1-1), G1-4c)

Marketing & Media Committee (G1-1)

  • Newspapers/Media Outlets. Establish a contact and place the major state newspapers on the mailing list of Annual Conferences. Include announcements as part of other media outlets as appropriate. (G1-1)
  • Advertising. Continue to solicit newsletter advertisements. Coordinate the solicitation of ads with other efforts to raise Chapter funds such as sponsorships, etc. (G1-3; G3-2)
  • Major Conference Sponsors. Identify major sponsors and maintain relations with existing sponsors for the Chapter. (G2-4)
  • Chapter Advocacy. Find ways to overtly promote the Chapter – “Toot Your Own Horn”. (G3-2)
  • Explore Alternative Educational Initiatives. Explore the development of alternative educational initiatives such as:
    • slogan to capture public attention on priority planning issues,
    • a monthly or quarterly guest newspaper editorial program on priority planning issues;
    • recreating and disseminating a promotional brochure on planning.
    • creating a public educational presentation on planning for adults;
    • explore options to create a half-hour video presentation on planning for public TV. (G3-2)
  • Tabletop Display. Work with Executive Committee to redesign and purchase new Chapter Display and develop new/additional new handout materials. (G1-1; G3-2)
  • Assist with Membership Development. Assist Member Services Committee in attracting membership from the ranks of non-professionals and para-professionals interested in the advancing the field of planning. (G1-6)

Legislative Committee (G3-1)

  • Coalition Building. Work with the League of Municipalities, Association of County Commissioners, Home Builders, Farmers Federation, FEMA, Freshwater Land Trust, et al on legislative items of mutual interest. (G1-3; G3-2)
  • National APA Legislative Activities. Expand involvement in National APA legislativeactivities. (G3-1e)
  • State Planning Legislation. Assist and educate local governments and planners in understanding and use of the current legislation. (G3-1)
  • County Planning Enabling Legislation. Appoint a liaison to ACCA on consideration of county planning enabling legislation. (G1-3; G3-1)

Professional Development Committee

  • Public Education Programs. Recruit and support members willing to implement the public education and information program emphasizing such programs as “Planner’s Day at School”, “National Planning Month”, and “World Town Planning Day”. Consider local youth programs for assistance with this effort. (G3-2)
  • Information Program. Develop a program to inform members about activities such as World Town Planning Day, Your Town Workshops, etc. (G1-4; G3-2)
  • AICP Recognition. Recognize new AICP members in the newsletter, local papers and through congratulatory correspondence to new members. (G1-4)
  • PDO Resource Materials. Acquire PDO resource materials. Make available for AICP membership the CPDP credit forms (online). (G1-4)
  • Support “Your Town” Program. Provide support as requested by Board of Directors of Your Town Program, assist with Your Town segments. (G3-2)
  • AICP Exam Counseling. Develop exam-counseling sessions for the annual conference including identification of instructors. Promote other Chapters’ AICP training and study activities. (G1-4)
  • Professional Development Workshop(s). Coordinate with Executive Committee and other professional organizations to develop a professional development workshop and determine the AICP continuing education credits that can be given for attendance at the seminar. (G1-4)
  • Training Survey. Develop a training interests survey to determine what types of training members are interested in receiving. (G1-4)
  • AICP Study Groups. Assist in the establishment of study groups, in cooperation with section representatives, consisting of AICP candidates led by successful exam takers. (G1-4)
  • AICP Training Manuals. Distribute AICP information regarding the qualifications for taking the AICP exam and a resource study guide. Make available training manuals to members taking the exam. (G1-4)
  • AICP Information Session. Provide an information session conducted by successful past AICP exam participants at annual conference. (G1-4)

Higher Education Committee

  • Evaluate Student Participation. Evaluate the effects of previous efforts to encourage increased student participation in Chapter activities and develop a process or program for student involvement. (G1-5)
  • Student Sponsor. Designate a professional chapter member/committee member to act as sponsor/mentor for each student organization to establish continuity. Announce these mentors at annual conference. (G1-5)
  • Speakers. Identify planning professionals who are willing to speak to introductory planning classes at state planning schools. (G1-5)
  • Planning School Accreditation. Determine how to best support Alabama Universities that are seeking accreditation for planning degree programs. (G1-5)
  • Student Competition. Develop criteria for and conduct a student competition each year to coincide with the annual conference. (G1-5)
  • Student Competition Awards. Seek sponsorships for and provide appropriate awards towinners of student competitions. (G1-5)

Scholarship Intern Program Committee

  • Re-establish Management. Re-establish a method of management for the Scholarship Intern Program through the formation of a Committee and a line item in the Chapter budget to be maintained by the Chapter Treasurer. (G1-5e)
  • Annual Award. Annually award an internship to a qualifying planning student or support appropriate alternative student activities as determined by the executive committee. (Possibly Your Town) (G1-5)
  • Funding Source. Establish a permanent funding source for the program. (G1-5e)
  • Policies. Update formal policies for the program. (G1-5e)

ADOPTED AND APPROVED this the 18th day of October, 2013.