The Community Planning Assistance Team (CPAT) program
organizes multidisciplinary teams of planning professionals and
students that work with local stakeholders as volunteers to create a plan and implementation strategy.

CPAT offers expertise in a diverse range of issues facing communities. CPAT brings planning resources and opportunities to communities and strengthens the ability of residents and other stakeholders to influence and determine decisions that affect their quality of life.


Volunteer professionals & students collaborating with communities to solve real problems

Why is APA Alabama providing pro-bono planning assistance?

The American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Code of Ethics and Professional Code reminds planners that, “We shall seek social justice by working to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, recognizing a special responsibility to plan for the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration. We shall urge the alteration of policies, institutions, and decisions that oppose such needs.” Conscious of the obligation of planners to the public interest, participation in a CPAT provides a unique opportunity to address serious issues affecting communities across Alabama where planning resources and expertise may otherwise not be available. 

Additional information for this program will be provided soon! Stay tuned!