Call for 2018 MS/ALA Conference Sessions
Attention AL-APA and MS-APA members! The Fall Conference Planning Committee is now at work. The Conference will be on October 10-12 in Oxford, MS. They are very interested in evaluating a wide variety of sessions that will be of interest to those in our very diverse profession. If you would like to propose a session at the Conference, please send a short description to Ben Requet at by COB on Friday, June 29, 2018. Include a paragraph about the topic, to whom it would be of the most interest, who would be doing the presentation, and the general background of the proposed speaker(s). It should be no longer than a page.
The Conference planners hope to schedule a wide variety of topics that will cover the breadth of areas of interest to our members. To do that we need to consider what you – the members believe to be important enough to propose as a session. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you in Oxford on October 10!