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Subdivision Regulations in the 21st Century (Auburn)
March 12, 2014 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Subdivision regulations are a critical tool for land development regulation. They can address the demands of growing communities or the redevelopment of infill sites. In this lecture, learn the legal basis and parameters for subdivision controls. Explore standards for subdivision control and typical subdivision processes. The presenter will discuss new subdivisions, re-subdivision, plat vacation, and lot-line adjustments. A major focus is on how subdivision controls can be used alone — e.g. in rural communities that lack zoning, how they fit into a comprehensive regulatory system, and how they relate to zoning or form-based codes.
CM Credits
1.0 CM credits are available for this event.
Registration / More Information
Please let us know if you can attend this session so we can prepare an appropriate number of conference visuals and reference materials. Reply by email to south@alabamaplanning.org or by phone at 334.501.3045.
Additional resources when available can be found at ALAPA’s audio conference website.