What are Community Planning Assistance Teams (CPATs)?

Many communities around Alabama have planning needs.
But often, they either don’t have the resources to invest in planning, or don’t know where to begin the process.
The Community Planning Assistance Team (CPAT) program was formed to meet this need. CPAT teams, sponsored by AL-APA, are comprised of planning professionals and students who volunteer their time to serve local communities around the state with planning services.


How Can I Be Involved?

AL-APA is currently in the process of piloting a CPAT project. Our hope is that we will be able to provide a yearly opportunity for a CPAT project in the future. Once the pilot project is completed, we will open an application system for communities and volunteers interested in participating in the program.


Why Should I Consider Participating?

This program is a great way to be involved in the planning community around the state. CPATs provide opportunities to:
network with other planners;
travel around the state;
mentor young professionals and students;
sharpen your skills in new contexts.

Please be on the lookout for updates on the pilot project and future opportunities. These projects can be counted towards CM credits for professionals and credit hours for students (with program approval).

If you want to know more about CPAT, or have specific questions, email cpat@alabamaplanning.org.


Volunteer professionals & students collaborating with communities to solve real problems

Why is APA Alabama providing pro-bono planning assistance?

The American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Code of Ethics and Professional Code reminds planners that, “We shall seek social justice by working to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, recognizing a special responsibility to plan for the needs of the disadvantaged and to promote racial and economic integration. We shall urge the alteration of policies, institutions, and decisions that oppose such needs.” Conscious of the obligation of planners to the public interest, participation in a CPAT provides a unique opportunity to address serious issues affecting communities across Alabama where planning resources and expertise may otherwise not be available.